
A journey into the future of sustainability and disruptive technologies.
Global Epicenter of Blockchain, Digital Assets, Web 3.0, and the Future of Banking.

Our academic programs have been designed balancing theoretical substance with practical experience. This balance is reflected in the profile of our professors.

The entire PU faculty has both relevant practical experience and academic training in the best universities in the world such as Harvard, Stanford, London School of Economics, HEC Montreal, Berkeley, University of Miami, and the best universities in Europe. Our professors belong to the business world, they are protagonists, and not only share their experience, but also their vision, stories, and best practices.

Our educational model is simple, 80% of the academic quality of a program depends on the quality of the professor. The courses are designed according to the most effective teaching practices, emphasizing pedagogical strategies such as: collaborative learning, problem-based learning, and project-based learning.

Master's Degree Programs

Bachelor Programs

Certification Programs by Company Contract

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